At Familychef our priority has always been and will be the health of our customers offering all fresh ingredients from trustworthy sources sharing the same vision.

With the coronavirus, we have applied the following additional measures for both ours and your protection: 

1. The production team is washed every 15 minutes with anticeptic gel and wears gloves that changes often.

2. Surfaces are frequently sprayed with an antibacterial cleaning liquid and then wiped off with a paper towel discarded in a plastic bag.  

3. Suppliers do not enter the lab but are received at the lobby of the lab by a staff member wearing gloves.

4. Fresh ingredients are washed even more thoroughly.

5. During delivery, if order was paid online, our delivery person will leave the delivery box at your doorstep thus avoiding contact.  Our delivery person will call to notify about upcoming delivery.

6. For the next couple of weeks, until the end of March, we will not receive delivery boxes back for reuse.  Boxes can be stored by customers and returned once temperatures are high and some time is lapsed.

7. Our staff is made of only 5 responsible member who will avoid going to crowded areas and will apply the precautionary measures after working hours. 

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